What is a CERT?
A CERT is an internationally recognised organisational structure that:
- receives cyber incident reports,
- tracks cyber security incidents or attacks, and
- provides advice and alerts to its customers on how to respond and prevent further attacks.
Working in partnership
We work alongside other organisations — both locally and internationally — to better understand and respond to cyber security threats. This includes key referral partners such as:
- Department of Internal Affairs (DIA)
- Netsafe
- New Zealand Police.
Services and functions
To help us achieve our goal, we have five key services and functions:
Threat identification
We analyse the international cyber security landscape and report on threats. We gather information from other national CERTs and high value international security feeds to inform our reports of what’s relevant to New Zealand.
Vulnerability identification services
We analyse local data and report on vulnerabilities. This includes data sets from our partners and other agencies as well as any vulnerabilities disclosed to us. We directly inform organisations of any vulnerabilities that affect them.
CERT NZ coordinated vulnerability disclosure policy | CERT NZ
Incident reporting services
Through our website and by phone we triage reported incidents and assist businesses, organisations and individuals to get help. Our call centre is available 7am-7pm, Monday to Friday. We pass some incidents to other appropriate organisations, with the reporter’s consent.
Response coordination services
We coordinate the response to incidents where there is a need to work with several organisations. We also assist in various areas of response from technical to communications.
Readiness support services
We raise awareness of cyber security impacts and best practice in the public and with businesses by:
- engaging with our key partners and customers,
- representing New Zealand in international forums,
- delivering up to date, actionable advice on cyber security best practice.
Our history
The Government announced an investment of $22.2 million to set up a new national CERT. In establishing a CERT, New Zealand joined an international network of CERTs. This improves our access to information on potential or real-time cyber attacks and helps us play our part in the global effort to improve cyber security.
CERT NZ was an independent business unit within the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
The government allocated about $30m to a suite of initiatives led to increase the country's cyber resilience and help more people targeted by cybercrime. CERT NZ is a key component of New Zealand’s Cyber Security Strategy, contributing to the delivery of the Strategy’s vision of a confident and secure digital New Zealand.
New Zealand’s Cyber Security Strategy 2019 [DPMC website] External Link
Minister for the Public Sector, Andrew Little, announced that CERT NZ would be integrated into the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) as part of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).
CERT NZ’s transition into GCSB is completed.
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